I realize now those dreams and playtimes were part of my calling. I was called by our Heavenly Father to be a mother long, long ago. His plan for me was to be a mother, AND He equipped me to be just that!
But often I find myself thinking that it's not enough. It is not enough to just be a mother. I need to have a "fall back". I need to have a college degree because in this and age I'm worthless without one. Then I remember that God CALLED me to be a mother. I am not saying God can't call you to be another with a college degree who works. Nor am I saying He can't call you to be a woman with a college degree who doesn't work. Or even that He can't call you to be a working mother with no college degree. You get what I'm saying. But I'm also saying that He CAN call you be a mother with no degree and no "job"--let's face it raising kids is a job just not exactly a paying one. The important thing that each of us need to do--regardless of whether we are a mother or not--is make sure we are in God's plan for our life and fully embrace it. He knows the plans He has for me and you. And they are good plans, beautiful plans, better than we could dream of plans.
I am honestly ashamed of my feelings of not being enough, not having enough worth so to speak simply because I lack a college degree or success in the business world. I KNOW I am in God's plan for my life, right here and right now. How shameful is it that we live in a society that seems to measure worth by college degrees or job titles. My worth is in Christ. For Him I was worth dying on the cross. I was worth literally laying down His life and were you. My worth, your worth is not meausurable.
This is me being transparent, being honest. One day God may call me into a full time away from home job or back to college, and IF he does then I will go. But if He doesn't, if His plan for me entrails of being a mother with no degree and no business career, then I will embrace it. His plan is different for each and every on of us. The important thing for me to do--and you too!!-is to remember to stop, listen, and obey His plans. I need to remember His plan is not always going to be what I think it should be, what I want it should be. But His plan is the best plan, the most beautiful plan imaginable.
Friends, be still and listen to the Father. Listen to His plans for you and follow Him. Do not measure your worth with this world's standards because we are not of this world.
Let's excuse all my lovely grammatical errors and see the beautiful message instead.
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