I have loved ones who struggle with comparing their bodies to other's bodies. It breaks my heart because everyone is beautiful and no one was made the same! And guess what GOD MADE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE and LOVES you that way. I love what Lockland had to say about this. Last week we were able to visit Northwest Arkansas and see my family. My sister asked him why he didn't have a mustache. He gets asked this a lot because once he said when he grew up he was going to have a mustache. This time though his answer was my favorite. He said, with an attitude I might add, "Because Jesus didn't make me that way." If only we could all except that maybe we aren't a certain way because Jesus didn't make us that way!
I myself struggle most with comparing my life with other people the same age as I am. Sure to some extent it is nice because it pushes me to try new things but I get stuck on the "they are the same age as me and just bought a house" or the "they are the same age as me and have a master's degree"... I have a hard time excepting that I'm in a totally different season of life and find myself comparing my life to their's when they really share no similarities aside from age!
I've decided that in July I will work hard to compare less. To accept the stage of life that I'm in and EMBRACE it. My success cannot and SHOULD NOT be measured by the standards of this world.
Do you have the disease of comparison? What do you struggle with comparing?
{less deep posts to follow, ha. Just like me this blog will be a little bit of everything once I finally get it all together.}
This has been on my mind lately as well. The devotional I read this morning was about abandoning competition. Healthy competition that helps push us to be better is good. Competition that makes us doubt ourselves and feel less by comparison is not good. This kind of competition leads to jealousy. All things which are negative. All those negative feelings block our spiritual connection with God and in turn His purpose for our life. When we focus on what others have we miss our own blessings in front of us. own
ReplyDeleteI know God is speaking to me through this post. I needed this reminder. I fail in one area of my life every day. I let one thing go. It may be supper, laundry, cleaning,etc. I may have clean laundry and a supper that looks like Aunt Bee from the Andy Griffith Show made it and beautiful crafted pictures by the kids hung up but you may have to trip over toys in the living room to get to the dining room table and scooch crayons over so you have a place to set your plate. Those days I look around and think "so and so" doesn't get school glue stuck to their arm while they eat their pot roast. I bet their kids use manners at the table. Why haven't I done a better job teaching the boys manners. (Insert yell at boy playing with toys instead of eating) Oh, I see why they aren't polite...continue to feel horrible about self...read this and feel better. Motivated to love me and be the best at what God wants me to be! :-)
I know exactly what you mean! Thank you for sharing your devotional! Very timely for me as well!