Wednesday, January 21, 2015

a Lockland update.

{some of this is repetition, but a lot is new. If you aren't familiar with Lockland's story you can look back at this post or this post}

Let me just tell you...moving to Batesville has done wonders for Lockland. As I have briefly mentioned before...since we moved here Lockland started school at STARS Academy. They focus on children with different special needs or simply just kids in need of therapy. All of his therapy is available at the school during the day. Most of his day, however, is spent in your typical preschool classroom complete with food, fun, circle time, and of course nap time. His speech is a whole new world as well as his social skills thanks to STARS. He even tested out of speech therapy! 

It brought much joy to my heart this Christmas season to hear him singing all the cute kid Christmas songs as well as saying his signature line "Happy, Merry Christmas!". And this year Lockland even participated in opening each and every one of his presents without being overwhelmed by the amount of people around him. Proud momma.

We still have our day-to-day sensory processing kid struggles but they are much better now that Lockland can finally communicate efficiently with us. And with that communication finally came the potty training! WOOT WOOT. Food is still a challenge as he is extremely picky and often times he rejects many foods. But honestly that isn't much different than your typical four year old anyway. His stimming is still probably our biggest obstacle. We have yet to find a calming technique that is effective for him. His new pediatrician is going to recommend him to try a weighted vest and blanket at school to see if they would help him out! 

He has become the BEST big brother a little girl could ever ask for. He's very protective of his sister, loves to play with her, and also loves to help her out. They actually play pretty awesome together too. 

One cute story to finish out his brief update....

Lila Mae- "No way"
Lockland-yes way!
Lila Mae "No way!"
Lockland "Jose!"

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