Friday, January 30, 2015

the rainbow in the whining.

Today has been a pretty hard momma day. Both Lockland and Lila Mae have been sick this week so we have spent very little town out of the house even after they were no longer contagious simply because I don't want them to pick up other germs before they are fully healthy again. Helicopter mom much? The kids are ready to be out and about playing, in school, at just doing their normal things so today they have become pretty whiny. Their toys no longer entertain them, TV is old news, momma is old news, you get the picture. I was feeling very bleh about the whole day and was just ready for bedtime to roll around and then I read a story about someone I have met since I moved to Batesville and my whole day changed. Can I just say I AM BLESSED IMMENSELY AND SO UNDESERVING OF MY BLESSINGS? 

Lord, thank you for my immense blessings. I know I have done nothing to deserve such a beautiful life and a beautiful story thus far so I thank you. Thank you for my husband, our children, our health--you always provide for us Father. Often times it's hard for me to see this as you don't always provide in the way that I want, but thank you for providing. And thank you for teaching me that I must decrease so that You may increase. Greater are You than he that is in this world. I am humbled by your blessings Lord. Thank you. In Your lovely name I pray, amen.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

a Lockland update.

{some of this is repetition, but a lot is new. If you aren't familiar with Lockland's story you can look back at this post or this post}

Let me just tell you...moving to Batesville has done wonders for Lockland. As I have briefly mentioned before...since we moved here Lockland started school at STARS Academy. They focus on children with different special needs or simply just kids in need of therapy. All of his therapy is available at the school during the day. Most of his day, however, is spent in your typical preschool classroom complete with food, fun, circle time, and of course nap time. His speech is a whole new world as well as his social skills thanks to STARS. He even tested out of speech therapy! 

It brought much joy to my heart this Christmas season to hear him singing all the cute kid Christmas songs as well as saying his signature line "Happy, Merry Christmas!". And this year Lockland even participated in opening each and every one of his presents without being overwhelmed by the amount of people around him. Proud momma.

We still have our day-to-day sensory processing kid struggles but they are much better now that Lockland can finally communicate efficiently with us. And with that communication finally came the potty training! WOOT WOOT. Food is still a challenge as he is extremely picky and often times he rejects many foods. But honestly that isn't much different than your typical four year old anyway. His stimming is still probably our biggest obstacle. We have yet to find a calming technique that is effective for him. His new pediatrician is going to recommend him to try a weighted vest and blanket at school to see if they would help him out! 

He has become the BEST big brother a little girl could ever ask for. He's very protective of his sister, loves to play with her, and also loves to help her out. They actually play pretty awesome together too. 

One cute story to finish out his brief update....

Lila Mae- "No way"
Lockland-yes way!
Lila Mae "No way!"
Lockland "Jose!"

Thursday, January 15, 2015

2015 bucket list.

2015 needs a bucket list for me. A list of things I will do, of things I will accomplish because why not?

one// family photographs. real professional (looking at least) photographs because we have none.
zero. zelch. & it breaks my heart a little more every day. 

two// master bedroom. Keith and I have never had a nice looking master bedroom, and I would love to create a beautiful space for just us because our marriage is important and we could sure use a little personal space that's just right. 

three// goodbye debt. I want to really buckle down on our budget so we can say goodbye to at least two debts this year. 

four// read the Bible together as a family. Christ should be the center of all of our home but I feel like often times He is not. I don't want to feel that way this year. 

five// take a vacation as a family. Maybe just a small day trip but something just the four of us.

six// become an oily family. I want to start using more essential oils. I love all the testimonies I hear and would love to see what they could do for my family.

seven// create traditions. currently we have ZERO traditions and that bothers this momma who wants to have some fun traditions my kiddos will remember.

I could go on but I don't want to be realistic and honestly (sadly), seven bucket list things are probably as good as it will get for us. 

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2015? 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


At the beginning of every year I like to try and start off with a clean, organized home. This year I was semi-successful in doing so. My wonderful grandma-in-law (is that such a thing?) gave me the cutest basket for Christmas this year. I absolutely love it, but the color didn't match my color scheme even though it was absolutely beautiful. Nothing a little spray paint can't fix. 

Adorable basket right? The rectangle in the back is home to a small chalkboard you will see in a minute. I decided to spray it a great neutral--gold. I'm totally loving gold right now. 

And let me tell you. I LOVE the basket in gold. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.

I still hadn't completely decided what to do with the basket but once I got it painted I knew exactly what I wanted to use it for. It's basically my "to-go" desk. Since we are living with my in-laws currently, space is tight. Having all of my office things in one small basket would be great and very practical. The basket is now home to my beautiful Whitney English planner, pens, highlighters, sharpies, and my little filing system to keep me organized in between running all my bills and paperwork to the church where the filing cabinet currently is. 

Forgive my totally subpar photography skills. Hoping those will improve in 2015. ;) Also, can I just say I love washi tape? 


planner -- Whitney English

Friday, January 2, 2015

one little word.

I love that instead of resolutions many people now choose one little word to focus on in a years time. This year I couldn't help but jump on the bandwagon. Many words came to my mind but one word spoke louder than others--

This year I want to embrace life, embrace the season we are in, embrace the changes that have happened and will happen, embrace motherhood, embrace being a wife, embrace. Plain and simple. I could easily sit and complain, just as I'm sure you could, but instead I will embrace my life to the fullest. I will throw out the bad, learn from it, and embrace the good. This year though I also want to be mindful of what God wants for me, what God is calling me to do in my life, my marriage, our ministry. Many times I focus on what I want when really I should focus on what HE wants for me. I will embrace what His plans are for me. 

Did you choose one little word (#olw) for this year? It's not to late if you haven't. I would love to hear what everyone else chose!